Dante's Inferno (1 DVD Box Set)

Dante's Inferno (1 DVD Box Set)

Dante's Inferno (2007). In this paper-puppet satire, a modern-day Dante Alighieri (Dermot Mulroney) awakens, completely lost, with an epic hangover. As he makes his way through a dangerous neighborhood, Alighieri meets the poet Virgil (James Cromwell), who offers to lead him home. Instead, Virgil treats Alighieri to a chilling tour of the Underworld, where he witnesses sins of all kinds and passes through the gaping mouth of hell -” which bears a surprising resemblance to the concrete jungle he already knows so well.
Director: Sean Meredith
Writers: Paul Zaloom, Sandow Birk, 4 more credits
Stars: Tony Abatemarco, Scott Adsit, Matt Besser

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