Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Complete. Set in the future, the show was based around a genetic shapeshifter experiment known as Project GKR (Geno-Kinetic Research), who had been stolen by Lady MacBeth (a short-tempered cyborg with a bionic arm) before he could get the programming he needed to be a deadly and powerful weapon at the hands of the evil Mister Moloch, head of Moloch Industries. Due to the lack of his final programming, Geeker is left to be a totally random, permanently salivating, four-fingered klutz. He only occasionally manages to use his powers to any full extent, a blessing and a threat to his friends and their enemies. Lady MacBeth and her partner-in-crime Noah, a green, baseball cap wearing intelligent Tyrannosaurus rex, must now prevent Moloch and Geeker's creator Dr. Maston from ever obtaining Geeker at all costs.
13 Total Episodes on 1 DVD:
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 1 Destruct Sequence
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 2 In Space, No One Can Hear You Sneeze
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 3 Nightmare
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 4 Geekasaurus
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 5 Smell Of The Wild
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 6 Project GeeKeR 23
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 7 Thing Called Love
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 8 In The GeeK Of The Night
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 9 Independence Daze
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 10 Worm
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 11 Noble Savage
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 12 GeeKMan
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. Episode 13 Future Shocked