Summary: Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (2000). In the long-running animated series' second feature film, the focus is on the show's perennial second banana, Chuckie. Dads Stu and Chaz are unexpectedly sent to Euro-Reptarland in Paris, where the animatronic dinosaurs they built for the amusement park are malfunctioning, much to the displeasure of manager Coco La Bouche. When the dislikable Coco gets interested in the single Chaz, Chuckie and his friends swing into action.
Directors: Stig Bergqvist, Paul Demeyer
Writers: J. David Stem, David N. Weiss
Stars: Christine Cavanaugh, Elizabeth Daily, Cheryl Chase
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Rugrats in Paris: The Movie Includes Free Bonus:
4 hours of TV Commercials from the 1990's ($9.95 value)